Sunday, 25 September 2011

I miss Gears so much!

I really want to go back to our old flat for a few reasons but one of them tops them all... I WANT TO PLAY GEARS 3 AGAIN! WAAAHHHHH!!!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

old man island

Since the flea drawing I fancied doing more photoshop drawing but had noooo idea what to do. I just randomly started placing sketchy blocks everywhere which eventually lead to this old man island thing! How strange!

the current bane of my life

Since me and my girlfriend discovered fleas in our flat in Bournemouth our lives have been pretty grim. We were moved to a temporary flat by the agent until the place is gassed on Monday. Whenever I get an itch I check my body obsessively, whenever I see a small black speck on the carpet or bed quilt I get the hoover out. I love animals and find insects especially fascinating but for these little bastards I am willing to make an exception. I fucking hate them! The best way to deal with this current hellish situation was to draw and make a joke of it and so here is the evidence. The worst part is that they actually look like this (more or less). Happy itching!

Friday, 9 September 2011


Matt hooked me up with a download link to a free program called sculptris and it's been fun on a bun :) here's one of my first goes at it.

Friday, 2 September 2011

upper arm anatomical studies

Sometimes you get to that point while drawing where you suddenly realise you don't know enough about what you're drawing to continue... I hit this wall many times and so have taken it upon myself to learn about human anatomy. Today is the arm and this is my first set of drawings. It will be a long process but it will be worth it in the end :)