Friday, 29 July 2011


Here he is with a little bit of colour on him.

character concept

Matt had been working on the concept of a guitarist who had lost his hand in some sort of drunken brawl. He sent me a picture of his concept and asked me to elaborate on it... Unfortunately, I went totally mental on it and practically changed the whole thing! I will have to talk to him about my ideas surrounding this character, such as the reason he now wears a bandanna on his face all the time and stuff. I had fun doing it though so I hope he isn't too mad that I changed so much :)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

the universal language

I couldn't resist messing with the graph paper again and so just for the hell of it I made this little doodle :)

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Matt gave me the idea for this one after the little mardy rants I received from posting my little tumblr joke.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


I have a lot of other ideas floating around my head since watching a couple of documentaries. Some ideas that may include Mario and some ideas that may include bees, but before getting on to any of that I had some procrastination time spent by doodling on graph paper (below) and then painting on to graph paper and using charcoal on top of that... neither are anything to be particularly proud of but then neither of them took all that long to do in the first place so I'm not surprised that the outcomes aren't phenomenal but anyway MOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I'm not quite sure what to say about this one, it's a pretty bog standard biro doodle inspired by nothing that resembles some sort of humanoid cyborg robot monster... thing? I really need to focus more. SHEBANG!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

monster sketching for ant

So my good friend Ant has been working on a death metal project of sorts and asked me whether I would be interested in doing some album artwork for him. He told me roughly what he wanted and that happened to be some monsters that were similar to the "lickers" of resident evil. It's always hard to draw a monster that doesn't have eyes without making it look like a varied rip off of Giger's Alien (which I am a huge fan of). Anyway, these are the first few sketches that I came up with, I did some varied faces at the bottom too, just in case he changes his mind about the monster.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

gizmo you fucking arse!

Me and my lady friend have been planning to watch gremlins again, and shall be doing so this evening! However, at some point in her past she temporarily acquired the nickname "gizmo". My girlfriend is clumsy at the best of times, so it seems only fitting to do a drawing of the actual gizmo being as fucking clumsy as my girlfriend..!

sleeping beauty

While the woman was having a little sleep I took the chance to get some sketching done. Then afterwards I splashed some watercolour over it. I'm not too thrilled with the outcome but you can't win um all! Also my watercolour pad is bigger than A4 and so some pictures end up getting cropped... such as this one. Now I'm going to go and wake her up by annoying the fuck out of her :)

Friday, 8 July 2011

the final shuttle launch

So today was NASA's final shuttle launch. I watched the whole thing live on the bbc website but it really wasn't very interesting unfortunately. I love space but I guess the magic behind launches has long gone. Ah well, it inspired me to produce a little cheeky illustration. I'm not saying that things would be better if giant octopuses flew through the vacuum of space and attacked our shuttles... but it would be pretty exciting!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


I've definitely been branching off from the many MANY sketches of women that have been dominating my life as of late. It became apparent to me that though I was learning about the anatomy and stuff I was beginning to lose interest due to the bloody repetition. So to branch off I thought I'd do something animal related and so here before you are my watercolour and ink drawings of... some sort of parrot (I did know the species at one point). It's probably a good thing to get a variety of styles up on this blog anyway, as opposed to annoying sketches of hideous female faces. I'll try to mix it up more in the future.

Pretentiosaurus Rex

I wrote this the other day but had to cut a lot of it down unfortunately but heeeyyyy! Enjoy! :)

Friday, 1 July 2011

don't cluck with me.

I was reading a little about another new discovery of a dinosaur fossil that has feathers which is giving rise to the belief that dinosaurs may have been more feathery than they had originally been perceived... and so then I decided to draw a chicken with a dinosaur head... I bet if these bad boys lived today we wouldn't be so willing to chop them up for nom noms.